On Air

Clam Radio Playlists

Clam Radio playlist for 09/22/2022

The first Clam Radio show recorded and assembled at Suburban Hermit Studios III, Ronkonkoma, NY

Clam Radio playlist for 08/25/2022

Subconscious combinations of mostly 20th century music fill the airwaves as we say goodbye to our headquarters: Suburban Hermit Studios 2. We are moving to a new facility in Ronkonkoma and the future of Clam Radio is uncertain. Will we continue with this WUSB experiment or move on to other pastures? Only time will tell. The answer is there, we just have to catch up to it. Clam Radio!

Clam Radio playlist for 08/11/2022

Some complaints, bluesy stuff, 40's along with more bizarro segments only heard here on Clam Radio.

Clam Radio playlist for 07/28/2022

What you can expect in late July in the year 2022. But you already knew that. Just having fun with tracks that have never been played back to back together. Prove us wrong.

Clam Radio playlist for 07/14/2022

Summer has it's place. It's hot. This show is still cool though. Happy 82nd Richard Starkey.

Clam Radio playlist for 06/30/2022

Goodbye to June with mostly jazzy type pieces.

Clam Radio playlist for 06/16/2022

In this edition of clam radio we do a pre celebration of Paul McCartney’s 80th birthday.

Clam Radio playlist for 06/01/2022

Does it matter what we play? Probably not much, but there it is... Just for entertainment purposes. A way to decorate your time. The subconscious following it's logical conclusion in the air. Some Big Band. Some Pop. Some Rock. Some Gospel... Some...

Clam Radio playlist for 05/18/2022


Clam Radio playlist for 05/04/2022

A kitchen sink o de Mayo of music never before played together in this universe as of now. And of course a Happy coming birthday to Stevie Wonder and Billy Joel. What’s not to enjoy?

Clam Radio playlist for 04/20/2022

We celebrate Meryl Mathews’ birthday and honor the passing of vocalist and author Nick DiMauro.

Clam Radio playlist for 04/06/2022

Easing into the month of April without the showers. A typical mish-mash of song and instrumental from Clam Radio.

Clam Radio playlist for 03/23/2022

Spring cleaning edition if nothing else, let’s just stop the warring. Oh, and set 3 was programmed by fellow Sushi Savantist: Jim Pastor

Clam Radio playlist for 03/10/2022

War. Not my idea of good time but there it is. I guess it has its purpose. Rather listen to and crreate music and Art. Hence Clam Radio.

Clam Radio playlist for 02/24/2022

In memory of George Harrison who would have turned 79 on February 25 this year we play a few deep cuts from the great singer songwriter and guitarist.
Of course more unpredictable music takes place along some esoteric JT music as he turns 61 this February 26. Self indulgent as usual but with good audio intentions.

Clam Radio playlist for 02/10/2022

Calm, Crazy, Snarky and Melancholy all tightly wound around a little Walter Becker homage. That's teachin' it!

Clam Radio playlist for 01/27/2022

It’s hard to say why these tunes were played but they were. Hopefully you’ll find it enjoyable. If not, there’s always moms Apple pie.


Clam Radio playlist for 12/30/2021

Last program of the year. Just like last year but not.

Clam Radio playlist for 12/16/2021

The usual unpredictable stuff along with hour two covering some of our seasonally adjusted favorites. Cheers!