On Air


Cafe`Ali playlist for 07/09/2024

The Bop Stop playlist for 07/08/2024

IQ - "Awake And Nervous" Tales From The Lush Attic (GEP)
Atmosphera - "Lady of Shallot" Lady of Shallot (MIO)
England - "Yellow" Garden Shed (Rawmusic)
Saluki - "Take the Road Across the Bridge" Saluki (IndigoBoom)
The Watch - "Tightrope" Seven (s/r)
Kazyak - "Up with the Sun" Hand Me Down (s/r)

Frumpy - "Time Makes Wise" All Will Be Changed (Mercury)

Unclassic Rock playlist for 07/08/2024

Fill-In on The Bop Stop: https://wusb.fm/node/81634

Fishing With Bill playlist for 07/08/2024

STEVE K filling in...Using music as bait to reel you in..Blues,New music THE Q & Summer theme

Radio Chef playlist for 07/08/2024


More Cowbell playlist for 07/08/2024

Blues/Rock/ R&B

DJ Joi: 60s, 70s, And playlist for 07/08/2024

"Make voyages. Attempt them. There's nothing else." - Tennesse Williams

Trim Mix Party playlist for 07/08/2024

da inna circle

Gabe's Flight playlist for 07/06/2024


Trim Mix Party playlist for 07/05/2024

boom bap meets reggae for reggae marathon

Steve K's Radio Kaos playlist for 07/04/2024

Happy 4th!..Some fireworks for your mind...Independence Day special..Soul Set included

Hiphop Overdose playlist for 07/04/2024

top 25 plus more and a mini stump tha cape

With The Beatles playlist for 07/04/2024

Today’s show we’ll look at The Budokan show, the passing of Rolling Stone Brian Jones, the first meeting of John and Paul. Plus we got new releases we are gonna play and of course sprinkle some birthday love for Ringo and much more! Happy 4th Of July

Musicality playlist for 07/04/2024

Special 4th of July set of music produced and hosted by Denis McNamara