On Air

Weather or Knot Playlists

Weather or Knot playlist for 07/29/2021

Captain Phil filling in as Walter the Cat with special guest Abby the Cat, later the cats go away and Captain Phil and MaryBeth Rikouski spend the 2nd hour talking with podcasters Kate Schumacher and Carinn Jade of the popular podcast Pop Fiction Women https://popfictionwomen.com/

On Facebook https://www.facebook.com/popfictionwomen

The North Fork Country Kids https://www.northforkcountrykids.org/
We are a small Not-For-Profit, Volunteer Only organization on the North Fork of Long Island, New York. We are made up of educators, students, activists, long time rescuers and local residents that strive to protect and assist the feral cat population through TNR (trap, neuter, return). Likewise, we focus our attention to cat rehabilitation and assist dogs that need placement when we are called to help. Among our efforts are educating those around us about the feral cat population and helping Long Islanders protect and preserve Long Island's North Fork land and wildlife.

Weather or Knot playlist for 05/05/2021

Captain Phil filling in for Weather Geoff on this fine Thursday afternoon with my virtual guest host MaryBeth Ritkouski (https://www.startrektour.com/)

Rorie Kelly performing live in the WUSB virtual studio via zoom!

The Colleen Bement interviews me so I can talk about myself some more! https://nerdalertnews.net/