Unfinished Business Playlists

Unfinished Business playlist for 02/02/2010

12pm: Matt Rothschild: Editor of The Progressive

12:30pm: David Swanson: Co-founder of http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/

Unfinished Business playlist for 01/18/2010

Marjorie Cohen, professor of law at Thomas Jefferson School of Law. http://www.tjsl.edu/faculty_m_cohn

Unfinished Business playlist for 01/04/2010

James Douglass - author of J.F.K, The Unspeakable

Unfinished Business playlist for 12/28/2009

James Douglas, author of J.F.K and The Unspeakable

Unfinished Business playlist for 12/21/2009

Guest: Rahal Mahajan: Author of Full Spectrum Dominance: Speaking on the Afghan War

Unfinished Business playlist for 12/14/2009

Guest: Dale Robertson, founder of the Tea Bag party

Unfinished Business playlist for 12/07/2009

Guest: J. Patrice McSherry, author of Predatory States: Operation Condor and Covert War in Latin America.