No Apologies Playlists

No Apologies playlist for 01/15/2011

Happy 69th Birthday to Captain Beefheart, wherever he may be.

No Apologies playlist for 01/01/2011

Some 2010 Favorites

No Apologies playlist for 10/09/2010

John Lennon's 70th Birthday Edition, Part One
Part Two will be at 8:00 p.m. this evening as Ludwig Leopold's fill in.
All selections by John Lennon or The Beatles except as noted.
Woven throughout and in between the listed selections are interview fragments, both plain and effects treated as well as Two Virgins as ambience.

No Apologies playlist for 09/04/2010

John Zorn Birthday Celebration (Slight Return)
(see 9/2/10 Cheap Thrills for Part One)

No Apologies playlist for 05/21/2010

Sun Ra Birthday!