Soul Glo Bistro playlist for 11/11/2019

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)Link
The CureDisintegrationDisintegration
Nick DrakeRiver Manfive leaves left
George HarrisonWah WahAll Things Must Pass
king gizard and lizard wizardWah WahNonagon Infinity
roky erickson & the aliensI Think of DemonsThe Evil One
the 13th floor elevatorsYou're Gonna Miss MeThe Psychedelic Sound Of The 13th Floor Elevators
the stoogesT.V. Eyefunhouse
RamonesCommandoLeave Home
Freddie Gibbs & MadlibFlat Tummy TeaBandana
Czarface feat methodmanNightcrawlerEvery Hero Needs a Villain*
MadvillainAll CapsMadvillainy
Gorillaz ft. MF DOOMNovember Has ComeDemon Days
VulfpeckDean TownThe Beautiful Game
The SmithsWhat Difference Does It Make?The Smiths
The KinksArthurArthur or The Decline and Fall of the British (1969)
The Chemical BrothersBangoNo Geography
The ChatsIdentity TheftIdentity Theft
RadioheadThe National
Stan RogersThe IdiotNorthern Passage*
Boards Of CanadaSmokes QuantityMusic Has the Right to Children

Fill In (DJ Bobby B)