On Air

Tune in: High Low

Sounds of Film playlist for 01/24/2013

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
John WilliamsJurassic ParkJurassic Park
Tom HanksThe Polar ExpressThe Polar Express
Tom Needham interview with Igudsman & Joon/an/a
Igudsman & JooI Will Survive
Igudsman & JooTicket to Ride
The BeatlesMagical Mystery TourMagical Mystery Tour
The BeatlesAll too MuchYellow Submarine
The BeatlesAll You Need is LoveMagical Mystery Tour
Tom Needham interview with RodriguezSearching for Sugarman
Elmer BernsteinThe Magnificent SevenThe Magnificent Seven
Harry NilssonEverybody's TalkingThe Very Best Of...
The Vogues5 O'Clock WorldSoundtrack to Big Fish
John WilliamsSoundtrack to the movie Lincoln
David ByrneIn the FutureMusic from the Knee Plays

The Igudsman & Joo (with a little Billy Joel on the side) Inteview, with some "Searching for Sugarman" Rodriguez style, on a frigid quiet Krimble Eve cover for TN,