On Air

Unclassic Rock playlist for 11/01/2024

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tracks played include:

2nd Grade - "Live From Missile Command" / "Ice Cream Social Acid Test"
The Asteroid No.4 - "No Heaven"
Bedchamber - "Capa City"
The Black Keys Featuring Beck - "I'm With The Band"
Black Moth Super Rainbow - "All 2 of Us"
The Chesterfield Kings - "Your Strange Love"
Deary - "Aurelia"
The Fleshtones - "It's Getting Late"
Franc Moody - "Driving On The Wrong Side Of The Road"
Hank Heaven - "Plan 2"
Hawklords - "Rock Star"
High - "In A Hole"
Hozier - "Nobody's Soldier"
The Jellybricks - "Age of Stupid"
Jim Noir - "Beach Bum" / "Out Of Sight"
Kane & James - "Life's A Game"
Katie Von Schleicher - "Every Step Is an Ocean"
Oeil - "Quiet Lights" (2:00AM Version)
Soccer Mommy - "Some Sunny Day"
Still Corners - "The Creeps"
Temples - "Ankh"
Tinlicker featuring Circa Waves - "Nothing To Lose"
U2 - "Picture Of You (X+W)"
Wisp - "I remember how your hands felt on mine"