On Air

A Sip of Something Bitter playlist for 03/31/2024

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Pudding ClubApogamySongs Before Bed
John ColtraneSummertimeMy Favorite Things
Elliot SmithRoman CandleRoman Candle
Xiu XiuKing Earth, King EarthFag Patrol
Xiu XiuDr. TrollFag Patrol
Bored OperatornothingleftThis Weight Will Crush Me
LowertownSeafaceThe Gaping Mouth
Alex GAxessteelDSU
Alex GSerpent is LordDSU
Horse Jumper of LoveHole
Mark HollisThe Gift
UnwoundOctober All Over
SquidUndergrowthO Monolith
Big Walnuts YonderSponge BathBig Walnuts Yonder
HellaBiblical ViolenceHold Your Horse Is
Lightning BoltCrown of StormsWonderful Rainbow
Melt-BananaShield for Your Eyes, A Beast in The Well on Your HandCell Scape
Melt-BananaThe HIveFetch
DaughtersOcean SongYou Won't Get What You Want
Chat PileGarbage ManRemove Your Skin Please
NirvanaNegative CreepBleach
Black FlagNothing Left InsideMy War
Femme FataleAt The Altar
Femme FataleFat it Down
Femme FataleParty Tonight

No plan :P