a million open tabs playlist for 01/11/2023

mac millergood news
snail mailthinning
wolf alicebros
topsway to be loved
the last shadow puppetsmiracle aligner
rolling blackouts coastal feverjulie's place
bess atwellco-op
wolf alicethe beach
big thiefmasterpiece
wolf aliceno hard feelings
declan mckennabrazil
the night cafeendless lovers
castlebeatlooking for something
no vacationwaltzing back
deeperspray paint
drug store romeoswondrous place
margo guryansomething's wrong with the morning
drug store romeossecret plan
cocteau twinscherry-coloured funk
dream wifetemporary
porcelainmen i trust
kate bollingershadows
drug store romeosframe of reference
las losall through the day
bird and byronby my side
broadcastcome on let's go
drugdealer, kate bollingerpictures of you
kate bollingeryards / gardens
men i trustgirl
the holydrug couplelunes 1 de abril
drug store romeosvibrate
alice phoebe louglow