Oprah's Handbag playlist for 01/01/2016

Brain StemsElevators and Escalators
WandMelted Rope
Underwater BrothelGranny Jive
Dirty FencesJudy (Don't Go)
King TuffSun Medallion
The King KhanBye Bye Bhai
The MurlocsRolling On
Painted FruitsRunning Away
The YolksI Do What I Do
Useless EatersIntegrated Circuit
Step-PantherIt Came From the Heart
The ObliviansI'll Be Gone
Blasted CanyonsDeath and a Half
Nervous TalkNothing to Say
Warm BodyLike Puns
TRMRSLeech Nights
Gay GhostDay Glow
Lost Boy ?Hemhorrage
The New KineticsRiffle Raff
Ex-CultI Don't Feel Anything
Juan WautersWoodside Queens
Really Big PineconeAdult

bechemellllllllll sauce. Hollandaise holidays.