On Air

Tune in: High Low

Radio Free Occupation

News, Information, Talk, Music
This program has no DJs.
This program is currently unscheduled.

A show run by student members of WUSB, Occupy Stony Brook or the University in general.

Matters to discuss will be information regarding Occupy Stony Brook (discussion of things that happened at recent GAs as well as information regarding past and future events) as well as discussion on the goingsons from different Occupy movements around the country and world.

Expect live broadcasts from events around the Stony Brook area, as well (hopefully) interviews with members and supporters of different Occupy movements.

Think of it as an old-media outlet for a movement that's very new-media/21st century. It never hurts to have a platform of this nature.

http://occupystonybrook.org - main website
http://tinyurl.com/OSBUFacebook - The Occupy Stony Brook Facebook page
http://twitter.com/OccupySBU - Follow Occupy Stony Brook on Twitter

more links to be posted here, but make sure to follow the ones above for up to date information. Everyone is welcome to call in and join the local movement!

Nota Bene: The serious nature of Occupy doesn't prevent us from having a little fun. Don't be scared or anticipate dreadful repetition or monotony of random news items. Music will be played, fun things will be discussed, laughs can and will be had.