Rockin' Iration playlist for 01/20/2017

Bob Marley and the WailersStiff Necked Fools
Azzizi RomeoSystem Failure*
Black UhuruBull In The Pen
Tiken Jah Fakoly feat. Max RomeoOne Step Forward*
Jemere MorganGood Old Roots*
Ziggy MarleyI Am Human*
KelissaColour Of Love*
MortimerGanja Train*
iNi KamozeItal
Raging FyahJustice
Isha BelCost Of LIving*
The FrightnrsTrouble In Here*
The FrightnrsDispute*
Peter ToshOh Bumbaclaat
Jah LilWalk Good*
Addis PabloRoyal Melodica*
Morgan HeritageConscious Revolution*
Samory-IRide On*
Notis and Vanessa BongoSensimilla State Of Mind*
EtanaHealing Tree*
Pressure BusspipeLion Is A Lion*
Jesse RoyalBlack Woman
BushmanHungry Days
Pentateuch MovementCrime*
Wibad feat. Sara LugoWibad*
ChronixxRoots And Chalice
ProtojeBlood Money*
iNi Kamoze Feat. LupaTrample
LucianoLegalize It
Peter ToshCrystal Ball

Reggae music is a weapon against injustice. On this historic day in US politricks, DJ Kibret Neguse kicks off the show armed with musical ammunition to bring about awareness. The "Blazin' Hot " track of the night goes to Pentateuch Movement with their recent release "Crime". The most requested reggae song by the WUSB listeners is Sycorah's first release "Skin", a beautiful and sensual song receiving a lot of airplay on the station.