On Air

Spiney Norman playlist for 09/19/2018

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Jamie Coecleopatra
Jack la forgecleopatra kick
Bobby Capricleopatra
phil flowersthe cleopatra
the precisionsCleopatra
sammy loweCleopatra rock
eddie hollandif cleopatra took a chance
prince busterdance cleopatra
paul vancecleopatra
day brotherscleopatra brown
Joe Simon feat The Mainstreeterscleopatra jones
don drummondCleopatra
Johnathan Richmanabdul and cleopatra
Adam and the AntzCleopatra
jayne countyrock n roll cleopatra
5678steenage cleopatra
socialitesking tut rock
the sheiksya-habibi
the coltsthe sheik of araby
Satelitterssultan's walk
bob azzammustapha
bob azzamali baba twist
los boppersalibaba
sandpipersali baba
preston love and the love bugsali babas boogie
willy and the internationalsali baba
new startsali baba's tent
theivesali baba
GANIMIAN & HIS ORIENTALScome with me to the casbah
the inspirationsthe genie
carl dobkins jrgenie
lydelsgenie of the lamp
tornadosgenie in the jug
gongAllez Ali Baba Blacksheep Have You Any Bull Shit