White Noise playlist for 04/07/2017

Richard O'BrienScience Fiction/Double Feature
Motley CrueLivewire
MegadethTornado of Souls
Iron MaidenWasted Years
Led ZeppelinThe Rover
Led ZeppelinBron-Y-Aur
Moody BluesMelancholy Man
Julee CruiseThe Nightingale
Chris ElliotStar Wars, Star Trek, and the Holy Bible*
Joshua JamesBroken Tongues*
Pink FloydIf
WeenBuenas Tardes Amigo
WeenTried and True
Stone Temple PilotsBackwater
PixiesMonkeys Gone to Heaven
SuperorganismSomething for your Mind*
John MausHey Moon
Rivers CuomoBuddy Holly
Joan of ArcFull Moon and Rainbo Repair*
Concrete BlondeJoey
Julee CruiseInto the Night
Pink FloydFearless