Polka Express Playlists

Polka Express playlist for 07/31/2017

Extra section 0500-0600 hrs. Fill in for Medicine unplugged 0600-0700 hrs.

Polka Express playlist for 07/17/2017

Extra section fill in for Medicine Unplugged 0600-0700 hrs.

Polka Express playlist for 07/14/2017

Extra Section fill in for Cafe Ali 6:00-8:00 AM.

Polka Express playlist for 06/26/2017

Fill in for A Woman's Perespective on Politics 1:30-3:00 Pm

Polka Express playlist for 06/05/2017

Fill in for Medicine unplugged 6:00-7:00 AM

Polka Express playlist for 05/29/2017

Extra section 10:00-12:30 AM 2200-0030 Hrs.

Polka Express playlist for 04/12/2017

Fill in for Wizzy Brew 10:00-12:00 P.M.

Polka Express playlist for 04/09/2017

spoonfuls and disappearing take on the end of the formidable 40-hour student lock-in takeover. cheers, we play our hit parade and many more.
this was approximately 4am to 9am on 4/9/17