Everything Is Broken playlist for 12/21/2010

TODAY we will explore war from the standpoint of moral integrity, values and ethics. We will speak with Bill Felice, professor of political science and head of the International Relations and Global Affairs discipline at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, FL. He is author of the book “How do I Save my Honor – War, Moral Integrity and Principled Resignation” http://williamfelice.com/wff/home

We will also have an in-studio guest, Kate Valerio, health educator at the student health center here at Stony Brook University. We will try to make some sense of the present generation of college student, their culture, health and stressors. http://studentaffairs.stonybrook.edu/shs/

Music today … will let us dip into the fun side of Christmas and tip my panama hat to my Canadian roots with selections from LEON REDBONE’s “Christmas Island” album. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leon_Redbone http://www.leonredbone.com/menu_frame.html