On Air

Wavin n Misbehavin playlist for 10/15/2016

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
rei cloneSaria​/​Michael Briggs Loves Whataburgerwet
The Raveonettesz-boysPE'AHI
no joya thorn in garland's sidedrool sucker
the raveonettesaly walk with melust, lust, lust
talk talkafter the floodlaughing stock
bark psychosisfrom what is said to when its readCodename Dustsucker
65daysofstaticblueprint for a slow machineno man's sky soundtrack
65daysofstatictaipeiwild light
three trapped tigersengramssilent earthling
the depreciation guildthrough the snowspirit youth
the depreciation guildnovemberspirit youth
the depreciation guildcrucify youspirit youth
the raveonettessad transmissionlust, lust, lust
hoopstrack twotape #3
mild high clubhomageskiptracing
mild high clubkokopelliskiptracing
cosmic dustsundaysnow noise assemblage
cosmic dustchuo specialenjoy everything
cosmic dustto here knows when
cosmic dustbird criessnow noise assemblage
slowdivewhen the sun hitssouvlaki
yume bitsutruth