Writers Comma Ice Cream! New Podcast on WUSB2!

Tune in on WUSB2 tonight and every Tuesday at 7pm for Writers Comma Ice Cream, a new series of podcasts hosted by Howard Gunston!

Writers comma Ice Cream invites guests to kick back with a scoop of ice cream and answer one question: What's it take to be a writer? From aspiring novelists to bestsellers, from full-time writers to writers with a day job, each episode serves up a unique snapshot of a writer's journey.

Host and creator Howard Gunston is pursuing an MFA in creative writing at Stony Brook University. His writing has appeared in Prairie Winds and TSR: The Southampton Review and he is currently in the market for a wider belt. Follow him on Twitter @hgunston or Facebook @writersicecream, and check writersicecream.com for updates!

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