Say Whats Radio playlist for 06/23/2014

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
PalmsMission SunsetPalms
The Tallest Man on EarthThe Gardener
The BeatlesDrive My Car/The Word/What You're DoingLove
Elliott SmithA Fond FarewellFrom a Basement on the Hill
The Mountain GoatsSax Rohmer #1Heretic Pride
Vanilla CoastHomeAlignments*
NirvanaVery ApeIn Utero
WeezerIn the GarageWeezer
FishboneEveryday Sunshine
P.L.M.B.YeetfeetWater Tastes Like Ice EP
BookstoreAll Our YesterdaysBookstore
On the Might of PrincesCabooseWhere You are and Where You Want to be
Minus the BearDrillingMenos el Oso
Foster the PeoplePseudologia FantasticaSupermodel*
Q and not UThe More I Get the More I Want
To Sail Beyond the SunDreamscapeIllusions EP*
MilagresPale RamonEmpty Sleeves
Mount EerieThe Place I LiveClear Moon
Portugal. The ManGold FrontsWaiter: " You Vultures!"