On Air

Oprah's Handbag playlist for 06/29/2012

urinalsi'm a bug
a place to bury strangersi lost you
real estatebeach comber
blasted canyonsholy geometry
cheap timemore cigarettes
tyvekair conditioner
the psychedi'm psyched
hellshovelpixie dust
thee oh seeslupine dominus
dunesvertical walk
magic trickruby
san pedro el cortezojo del chamizo
crocodilessunday (psychic conversation #9)
is/isuntitled one
fergus & geronimoroman tick
fidlartrk 1
milk dickcoffee and drug
habibisweetest talk
cosmonautstwo dollars & fifty cents
spray paintsomething jimi hendrix
k-holesnothing new
crash normalmoon food
Hunx and his PunxSet them Free
MagnetixI Drink (but my guitar doesn't)
Grass WidowAdvice
crash normaleasy girl